Thursday, 10 September 2015

The Art of Writing

So I lost my phone like two months back.

Man, the timing was so bad as this was the time that my information intake was on a high.

I was reading 5 to 8 articles a day on Flipboard, a blog post or two or I would be opening and leaving half-read links on Twitter. I was on a roll, well sorta, till I lost my phone.

Man, that withdrawal phase that one goes through, the hallucinations of feeling a phone vibrate, the hasty decision-making process of getting cash to purchase a new tech companion.

The loss of my mobile phone had left me feeling more heartbroken than in my previous relationship. 

I lost a couple of nudes I had recently received, draft blog posts, ebooks, bookmarks and most importantly, my contacts. I was so naar.

So it has been a few months since my last post, which is understandable as I felt demotivated, but it should never have been the case as I own a laptop. I lost my phone when I had high expectations to start a habit of blogging more often. I didn't know there was a difference between blogging and writing.

Starting a writing habit is more challenging than I anticipated.

While it felt good to start blogging, I thought that the quality of the work I would write when I only owned a tamagotchi would be poor, and I would fail to communicate anything to my reader.

I missed being addicted to my screen. I was out of touch with the world. The only info I was taking in was from the traditional old school print of a newspaper.

It was during this time that I had more and more blog post ideas flooding in. I couldn't wait to get my next smartphone. But one mistake, I never wrote any of those blog post ideas down.

Anyway, I found the motivation to write this today, exactly a month after getting a new phone. The funniest thing is it took me a month to post something I thought I would have posted within hours of getting a phone.

Yes, screens are central. We spend 40% of our day on them. But creativity, at its central, is still at the core. That old school ink to paper does wonders.

I admire people who have it in them to blog often. Not all their posts may be gold, but that doesn’t deter them. When people see that I have posted something new, I want them to trust that it’s worth reading. This can only be the case if I write regularly.